Sunday, October 21, 2007

Offshore Merchant Account's Tips on Saving Your Online Reputation - Part Three

Numerous posts, not only in this blog, have emphasized on the importance of maintaining an online reputation. In this virtual world where your ecommerce business can be tainted with a single negative comment, it is vital to know damage control measures. A high risk business with an offshore merchant account is a no stranger to bad rumor.

I have researched on ways on how to keep your online reputation intact, and also provided tips if the unfortunate scenario has already come your way.

In the event that a bad rumor hits the blogosphere, here are ways to clear the skies:

  1. make contact with the source of the rumor
  2. address the issue
  3. coordinate with the SEO damage control specialists
  4. call in the men in gray suits
To know what to do when a rumor sets in, read the whole article:

Offshore Merchant Account's Guide for Guarding your Online Reputation - Part 3

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