Sunday, October 14, 2007

Adult Website Merchant Account Policy: No Minors Allowed

As a high risk business who owns an adult website merchant account, you have your target audience. You have a social responsibility to make sure that only those who should see your site's contents are the ones who ACTUALLY will view the site. As for your adult website, only those who are of legal age can gain access.

You might ask about how in the world could you filter the visitors in your site since basically you can't see them. The challenge is to come up with ways on how to verify their ages and prevent them from viewing your website's adult content.

There is this debate on the exact age of person who can visit adult websites. Who are more "mature" enough to understand the explicit contents?, those aged 18?, or those aged 21? But then again, the maturity of a person is a relative subject. There are 30 year old who act like they're 14 and vice-versa.

Moreover, how can you make sure that your adult website will not be viewed by children who may only know Hannah Montana or the watch the Disney channel.

Read the whole article on ways developed by adult website merchant account owners on how to prevent unauthorized visitors to your adult website.