Thursday, August 30, 2007

What an Address Verification Service Can Do for your Offshore Merchant Account

Accepting credit card payments has always involved risks. Be it in a physical storefront, Mail Order-Telephone Order (MOTO), or in what we are discussing, in an online setting, the possibility of encountering fraud and other scrupulous doings are waiting to happen but nevertheless can be avoided. Remember, credit card transactions will only have names and information, you just have the power to verify.

What AVS basically does is to verify the personal address information, plus the billing information given by the customer during the online credit card transaction, with the information filed on the credit card issuer. Sounds like a long process, considering if you have unlimited transactions on a daily basis.

That's why you need to get the Address Verification Service (AVS) to guard your offshore merchant account that will handle your credit card transactions.

Never will it hurt for you to read the whole article:

What an Address Verification Service Can Do for your Offshore Merchant Account

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Shield Your Business: Offshore Merchant Account's Saving Guide to Preventing Online Credit Card Fraud

Doctor's rule of thumb: Prevention is better than cure. Same goes with protecting your online business from fraud. And if your business encounters fraud, then your offshore merchant account is in hot water as well.

The vastness of the cyber world is incalculable. Makes a most feasible place to sell. On the other hand, you never know who's lurking behind the names, the addresses, the accounts. There is always the danger of fraud.

The fraud scare, even if we try to ignore, will be there to just lurking in the shadows, with fraudsters waiting to make their moves.

Worry before the problem comes

You have your ecommerce site, everything seems to be flawless. But, it pays to be cautious, since we're talking about your business, your investment, your bread and butter. Sad but true, we can only get hold of the problem when it actually exists. When a customer calls and let us know of a package that they paid for but never received or a wrong address on file, that's the only time we will know that something's not right.

Prevention vitamins

Before the bad comes to worst, you should be able to at least be prepared of how fraudsters can do damage to your online business. Remember, their first target is your credit card transactions.

Read the whole article for the complete information:

Shield Your Business: Offshore Merchant Account's Saving Guide to Preventing Online Credit Card Fraud

Friday, August 24, 2007

Delving into the Workings of a Virtual Terminal

The benefits that a virtual terminal brings can be definitely felt.

One, you can have increased earnings because of recurring billing. You'll have a wider customer reach, the internet is accessed by everyone around the globe. You can also save on buying expensive equipment because the terminal that you'll use is a virtual one. Convenience is the third benefit for you can easily handle orders and less manpower is required. Your customer satisfaction will be notches higher for they can get fast processing, also, refunds are also made easier by a virtual terminal

Know everything about virtual terminals by reading the whole article:

Delving into the Workings of a Virtual Terminal

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Adult Merchant Account Provider Clues - Practical Tips for Hiring a Good One

You are a brave soul. You ventured into the challenging and controversial world of adult business. You have the bodies, you have the website. Now, what you need to decide is how to actually get the money to come in. Well, a credit card is always on every dick and jane's wallet, so, you need to have a merchant account to be able to get credit card payments. Next step, get an adult merchant account through an adult merchant account provider.

Know who you are

Now, before you go out and scout for a reliable adult merchant account provider, you should know what you want to achieve. You can do this by assessing your adult business' everyday workings. Assess what your business is all about:

● My business is a controversial one
● The law is always keeping a close watch
● Customers must be of legal age (at least 18)

Undoubtedly, your adult business is synonymous to porn, and porn has been a controversial topic since the time immemorial, so to speak. Criticisms and judgments are on every corner. You should be prepared to an inevitable saga of constant controversy.

The feds have your business under a microscopic leash. Any wrong move will have handling you a search warrant, so caution and alertness is the key to keep them at a safe distance.

You don't want the underage sector to feast on your latest offerings. Exposing children to porn is against the law. You have a specific market to cater to, stick to it.

Go all the way for information by reading the whole article :
Adult Merchant Account Provider Clues - Practical tips for hiring a Good One

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Offshore Merchant Account's Guide for Guarding your Online Reputation - A Sequel

Hey,if movies have sequels, my blog can have one as well, right?

The sum of all fears has happened. A negative buzz about your business brand has spread all over the cyber community. Even if it was true or not, it's out there, so, are you gonna wave the white flag? Hold your horses, you can get through this. My previous article talked about what you can do to keep your online reputation,how to keep things in a good place This time, we'll deal with the worst-case scenario, when your business has been put into a bad light. Hey, this is what-ifs and those who are experiencing the heat.

Assesing the damage

It can't be all that bad, can it? You may wonder that it's only in the internet, as if everyone alive has online access or a computer for that matter. You have a point, but the thing is, everyone who can get online is a potential customer. And they can spread the news to the physical realm. You should never underestimate the influence of the internet on your business. Doing business online is just as equally serious as running a physical business with cemented walls.

To control the situation, read the entire article:

Offshore Merchant Account's Guide for Guarding your Online Reputation - A Sequel

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What an Offshore Merchant Account Recurring Billing Can Do to Keep the Money Comin' In

It is an undeniable fact that recurring billing is one of the things that makes an offshore merchant account tempting to get.

Recurring billing is part and parcel of offshore merchant account services. A recurring billing occurs when a customer allows a merchant to periodically and automatically charge their credit card accounts for recurring products or services, such as subscriptions, installment plans, or membership fees.

Focal features
A recurring billing has to be created upon the agreement of the customer and the merchant. As a merchant, you should be able to create conditions so that the customers will feel that you are flexible to their needs and can adapt to any situation. Here's what you can incorporate to your recurring billing system. You should be able to :

● Manually set up the recurring billing for your customer.

● Incorporate the recurring billing to any payment method that any shop currently accepts.

● Set-up any number of billing installments.

● Setting the installment either on a weekly, monthly, yearly, or any number of days.

● Send the customer’s bill through e-mail and mail.

● Install an Address Verification Service (AVS) system into the recurring billing.

To know the benefits of recurring billing, read the article in its entirety:

What an Offshore Merchant Account Recurring Billing Can Do to Keep the Money Comin' In

Offshore Merchant Account's Guide to Protecting your Online Reputation

If you have a high risk business that has an offshore merchant account, how the consumers see them is crucial to keep the money comin' in.

The internet can make or break your business. When you have a high risk business such as adult, escort service, telemarketing, travel, online pharmacy, multimarketing, or high level, and the like, the effort to make it look good is twice as compared to those belonging to the low-risk category.

Ironic as it may seem, but people tend to crowd more in a place when there is tragedy, drama, controversy,and the sense of the unknown. The exhilarating feeling of going to the unknown draws people to give it all their all. This can be seen as the case of customers who stay loyal to high-risk businesses.

Just the same, it feels better if you know that people are coming in because they know they rely on the good things of your product or service, not because of a scandal or a controversial notion.

Word of mouth perils

Before giving out what you can do to keep the goods coming in, it is beneficial to know what can lead to the downfall of your online reputation. The years of effort can be shattered by posts in a blog, bad comments on online message boards or in forums, and critic reviews. Your customers' views are affected by the words of their peers, webmasters, bloggers, and those self-proclaimed business authorities.

To know how to guard your online reputation, read the whole article :

Offshore Merchant Account's Guide to Protecting your Online Reputation

As Featured On Ezine Articles

Friday, August 10, 2007

Exploring the Wonders of Internet Porn with an Offshore Adult Merchant Account

Mum's the word when it comes to setting up an offshore adult merchant account.

Ironic as it may seem, even though the internet is continuously flocked by adult businesses, people generally are awkward to openly discuss about venturing into this kind of endeavor. Just like any other high risk business, adult businesses encounter hard times when getting merchant accounts from domestic banks or local processors. Reasons are summed up in one word, controversy.

Adult equals porn

You have to prepare yourself if you have a great deal of interest in the internet porn business. It's an open secret that they are perceived as malicious acts, but, hey, you have a large market out there. Though it is considered taboo, when people are at the comfort of their homes or confined in solitude, they look for porn sites, it is safe to say that looking for adult content is part of human nature.

Experience the thrill by reading the whole article:

Exploring the Wonders of Internet Porn with an Offshore Adult Merchant Account

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

E-tailers: The New Breed of Offshore Merchant Account Holders

A recent news on MSNBC showed that more than half of US households regularly shop online. More shoppers spell more market for the growing number of e-tailers (electronic retailers) who flaunt their merchandise in the internet. And when you talk about internet purchases, you talk about paying with your credit card.

In order to accept credit card payments for your cyber store, you need to get a merchant account. But not just a merchant account, an offshore merchant account may be the ideal setup for your expanding online business.

Read on for more:

E-tailers: The New Breed of Offshore Merchant Account Holders

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Offshore Merchant Account's Antidote for Ripoffs

A smooth business is always the target of merchants. And a ripoff is definitely not included in the drawing board of offshore merchant account holders.

The term, ripoff, has bred familiarity among anyone who buys anything, even for those who consider the internet as the new Fifth Avenue.

A ripoff is basically paying more than the original price of a product or service. This is certain context synonymous to scam, whose main aim is to make you pay more, difference is that the product actually arrives. It is saddening to note that a lot of people have been ripped off because of limited information on how a ripoff takes place.

Avoid getting ripped off by reading more :

Offshore Merchant Account's Antidote for Ripoffs

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Keeping the Money Pouring in with an Offshore Credit Card Merchant Account

Venturing into the competitive yet challenging world of selling entails a lot of hardwork and strategies in order to achieve the ultimate goal, gain a large revenue, and one to achieve this is to set up an offshore credit card merchant account.

Sounds long to say isn't it? You may think that an offshore credit card merchant account is similar to the common definition of an offshore merchant account. Quite close, but the thing is, an offshore credit card merchant account is part of the services than an offshore merchant account offers.

Read the article in its entirety:

Keeping the Money Pouring in with an Offshore Credit Card Merchant Account

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Bahamas: the place to be for your offshore merchant account

The Bahamas is not only a tropical country ideal for vacationers, but also for your offshore merchant account.

Having an merchant account in a Bahamas bank is practically combing business with pleasure. This country is coined as paradise haven for celebrities, high-powered business owners, moguls of different industries, and yes, offshore merchant account holders.

Cool drinks, blue waters, surfers, bikini-clad natives and vacationers, these are what comes to mind when you think of this paradise. Thing is, one of the lucrative attractions of this tropical island is the offshore banking.

Surf through the raging yet exhilarating offshore banking in the Bahamas by reading the whole article:

The Bahamas: The Place to be for your Offshore Merchant Account