Monday, September 10, 2007

Why Panama is an Offshore Merchant Account Haven

You need to go the distance for a reliable offshore merchant account. Going the extra mile can't be that faraway though, you have Panama to go to.

When offshore merchant account is the hot topic of the moment, we talk about a merchant account set up outside of US shores. Generally, this type of merchant account caters to high risk businesses such as adult, travel, telemarketing, online pharmacy, high volume, lottery,and multilevel marketing. This businesses are considered a few notches higher in terms of risk and therefore have encountered hard and unfortunately, unsuccessful times in getting merchant accounts in their local banks.

There are many countries that are also friendly and most willing to accommodate offshore merchant accounts, but what makes Panama so special? Here's the reasons why:

* Secrecy and anonymity is protected by the statute

* Zero requirements in revealing beneficial owners

* Zero requirements in filing financial statements

* Zero requirements on holding shareholders' or directors' meetings.

* 100% tax exemption of businesses having merchant accounts in Panama but actual operation on foreign country.

* Merchant-friendly and flexible charging of fees.

* Zero capital requirements

* Registration fees on capital are to a minimal rate.

* Businesses can issue bearer or registered shares.

* All nationalities are eligible to be shareholders, director and officer

But you don't have to go the distance in getting relevant information on offshore merchant accounts set up in Panama, read the whole article for more:

Why Panama is an Offshore Merchant Account Haven

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