Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Flea Markets need a Merchant Account Offshore too

Have you shifted to the flea market because it's getting too stuffy at the mall? If you're making money at the stalls, you may need to have a merchant account offshore.

A recent news has been flooding in the blogosphere shows the businesses that will no longer be accommodated by US processors. If this is the case, then where the flea markets turn to for credit card processing? It is but crucial to know the reasons why flea market owners need a merchant account to begin with and what they are exactly.

Assumptions of beginnings of Outdoor shopping

Well, there are three existing known assumptions of the origins of the flea market. They are just theories, no harm in naming them,right?

1. Paris suburbs theory
First, that flea markets are believed to have originated from the suburbs of Paris during the 17th century, with the word coming from the English translation of Marché aux Puces. Ok, google.com/translate confirms the linguistics.

2. Fleeing to fleaing theory
Second, they say that flea markets actually was a transition from the word flee market. Word of mouth says that it came a group of dealers of second-hand goods who are in the slums and alleys who consistently flee because of demolitions that were done. See the connection? FleE to fleA.

3. New York slang to Dutch translation theory
Third assumption is quite close to home, or at least, the beginning. There's this notion that the term came from New York City's 18th century Fly Market. Incidentally, the Dutch name for the market was vlie, meaning valley but pronounced as "flea."

Merchant Account Offshore Inevitable

As an flea market owner, you have a lot of merchants selling their stuff under your organization. The popular visualization of payments in flea market is the left to right hand cash exchange. But there is an emerging trend in the flea market industry, the non-physical currency form of payment, the credit card payment. This is owing to the fact that even those above those with average income people also flee to flea markets to buy stuff, who, carry credit cards in their wallets. In this case, a merchant account is the next step.

But we're not just talking about a domestic merchant account, a merchant account offshore is the most viable option owing to three major reasons:

  • Some items that are being sold are counterfeit
  • Flea markets have a possibility to dissolved overnight
  • US processors will not be servicing flea markets anymore.
To know more about flea markets, read the whole article :
Why Flea Market Owners Gotta Have a Merchant Account Offshore
Source: www.offshoremerchantexperts.com

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