We're on a customer service mood this week, so, you'll be seeing a series of posts on offshore merchant account's take on all things imaginable related to customer service. Indulge.
Many articles have been written, so much tips have been offered on how to achieve on making your customers contented and satisfied over your product and services. If your satisfaction ratings are up, then your customer retention will be consistent. If your satisfaction rating are up, you can attract new customers through your regulars who'll speak only high praises of you.
The cardinal rules to live by
Well, these aren't actually rules. But tried and tested strategies on dealing with customers to make sure that the next time they'll visit will be to buy, not to argue. That the next time that they'll call for a supervisor will be to commend not to downgrade. As an offshore merchant account holder, you should be able to sink these all in.
I. PEOPLE COME BEFORE PAPERWORK. I know, we all have documents to prepare, presentations to draft, proposals to submit, and all other black and white forms to fill up. But the most important thing is your customers. Make them your first priority. Know you'll say that, obviously they have always been your number one on the list. But is this truly what you or your staff practice?. Give it a thought.
II. DON'T RUSH THE CUSTOMER. Talk about being physically present but not actually being there. This happens when you have another million things lined up at the back of your mind. Make it a point to make them feel like they are the customer of the day, that you're just fresh from opening every system. When they feel that you're rushing them, they'll think you don't want them around. Need to tell what happens next after that?
III. BE FRIENDLY BEFORE YOU KNOW WHO IT IS. Admittedly, there is a group of regulars, whom you truly adore in a business sense, who gets in our nerves due to their never-ending arguments regarding the same topic. No matter how hard you serve them the best way you can come up to, they'll still find something to put their finger on. But be careful in getting used to this for you may end up branding your customers ,that you will not end up making false assumptions in treating an incoming customer.
IV. DON'T BE TOO BUSY TO BE NICE. Even if you so many things to do with so little time, this is not an excuse for to be oblivious, to put it mildly, to your customer's inquiries. You basically work to give them a better service, not to keep files. Well, you also have to that, but get someone to that for you.
. Now, this isn't opposing the previous rule, but just saying in another context. Being polite and friendly to your customers means treating them in a professional way. Using thank you and you're welcome is part of being professional. Again, leave this between your staff or close pals.
Learn more about getting your customer satisfaction ratings above the horizons, read the whole article: