Thursday, September 20, 2007

Escort Service Merchant Account Shoutout: Be (a)ware of Legit Escort Service's Provisions

All businesses have rules to follow, same goes for high risk business such as the escort service business industry. Though controversial, the potential of it, being lucrative cannot in undeniable. That's why more and more low-risk business owners shift to high risk businesses and even more, an escort service business, which wil lead to getting an escort service merchant account.

Hey, they're just being practical, also, the thrill of trying out something new is irresistible.

Previous article dealt with getting a license for your escort business, and one of the steps you need to do is to sign a form saying that you have fully understood the escort service provisions. Strong recommendation is to really take these provisions seriously. Not taking your free-spirited personality away here, just making sure you're still in the loop.

Nature of escort business

As laid out in the article, Plunging into the world of escort service, this endeavor can be safely defined as a any person, who,for a standard fee, commission, profit, reward, payment or other monetary consideration furnishes, offers to provide or recommend escorts,introduce patrons to escorts, or arranges for escorts to accompany patrons to or about social affairs, places of entertainment or amusement, about any place of public resort or within any private quarters. Here are what you need to know:

1. File an application and submit all the necessary paperwork at the city's licensing department

2. A review of the information and documents will take place for a number of days depending on the city or state laws.

3. For every transaction, you, as an escort service merchant, shall provide every patron(customer) a written contract and a receipt of payment.

4. You should be located at the address indicated at the application form.

5. You will be responsible and liable for any unlawful acts of all your employees.

6. You should keep a daily register of all the transactions taking place.

7. Submit any policy changes you want to implement to the city clerk's office.

Read the whole article to take into the heart the whole information: Escort Service Merchant Account Shoutout: Be (a)ware of Legit Escort Service's Provisions