So you thought you got the best deal in your offshore merchant account? Think again.
Hey, I'm not trying to spoil your fun here. Just making sure you're in good hands. Ok, your discount rates are lower, you have low minimum fees, you pay lower than the industry-dictated rates. That's good, right? Or, it isn't?
All or nothing
Let's start with the fees that you are required to pay when you set up your offshore merchant account. You have your:
- Application Fee,
- SetupFee,
- Programming Fee,
- Annual Fee,
- Monthly Maintenance Fee,
- Overlimit Fee,
- GatewaySetup,
- Transaction Fee,
- Retail Swipe Software fees,
- Check-by-phone/fax PC software fee,
- Web Shopping Cart fee,
- Discount Rate fee,
- Address Verification (AVS) Fee,
- Statement Fee
So these charges are in your bill. For the industry rates, see this recent article, Paying you offshore merchant account dues.
Ask yourself, what ultimate purposes do they serve?
To learn more about the significance of low cost offshore merchant accounts read the whole article :
Less is More: Achieving Quality with your Low-Cost Offshore Merchant Account