Thursday, September 27, 2007

Inbound telemarketing strategies in dealing with Irate Callers

The business of inbound telemarketing poses quite a number of challenges. One of the challenges of every inbound telemarketer is dealing with irate customers. Crossing paths over the phone with this group of customers is inevitable. Reasons why they turn ballistic are varied. Some have valid demands, others are just easily angered, some unintentionally lash out their frustrations in life in general.

As a telemarketing merchant account holder, you will agree that to some extent, irate calls eat a large of percentage of the daily calls that come in. So, how do owners of telemarketing merchant accounts who run telemarketing businesses proceed in calming down this irate callers? Below are some of the ways you can take note and teach your agents.

  • Instill in your agents' minds that it's nothing personal. When a caller gets angry and goes on saying nasty things, it's not because they're angry at the person they're talking to, but at the situation. Tell your phone receptionists to not be rude, never hang up on the caller, and remember, it's not personal. They have to treat it in a business-like way.
  • Teach them the ASAP technique. This is a way to calm the angry caller's nerves. Apologize for the inconvenience, Sympathize with the feelings, Accept responsibility for the error, and Prepare to help.
  • Let them know that they can satisfy most people most of the time. Nobody can please everybody all the time. So, if after every effort has been done and still fails to calm down the angry caller, then that's it.
  • Make them use the swear stopper. The situation gets really heated up when the caller is already swearing non-stop. Your agents should not panic nor answer back. Once this ranting begins, teach the agents to interject immediately, calmly reassure the caller, address directly the main concern, and ask follow-up questions immediately.

Know how to calm your angry callers by reading the article in its entirety :
Inbound telemarketing strategies in dealing with Irate Callers

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Offshore Merchant Account's Suggestions to Replace the Forbidden Phrases in Customer Service

Even if we already have the knowledge on what not to do, we have tendencies to actually go against the rules, and enjoy the feeling of rebellion in the process. This is but normal. But we can't allow ourselves to succumb to doing the opposite of we ought to do.

Moreover in customer service, where everything is sensitive and every word you say can make or break your business relationships with your customers. Have come up with the five phrases that ticks the sensitive part of your customers aspired with offshore merchant accounts.

This post aims to let you know, as a telemarketing merchant account holder, to know what you shouldn't ever say to your customers. Because if you say these, you're in for a heated discussion that will lead to unsatisfied customers. You don't want that to happen in your business' lifetime,right?

The five forbidden phrases in customer service are as follows:

I don't know..
What should you say instead?
We can't do that..
What should you say instead?
You'll have to..
What should you say instead?
Just a second..
What should you say instead?
What should you say instead?

Words matter the most

Your choice of words spells what your customer will feel. Especially if the response will be via a phone call or a snail mail, or an email. Hopefully the above-mentioned offshore merchant account suggestions will be effective tools in pursuing a smooth resolution to your customers' seemingly impossible demands.

Know what are the right words to say by reading the whole article: Offshore Merchant Account's Suggestions to Replace the Forbidden Phrases in Customer Service

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Offshore Merchant Account's Cardinal Rules of Customer Service

We're on a customer service mood this week, so, you'll be seeing a series of posts on offshore merchant account's take on all things imaginable related to customer service. Indulge.

Many articles have been written, so much tips have been offered on how to achieve on making your customers contented and satisfied over your product and services. If your satisfaction ratings are up, then your customer retention will be consistent. If your satisfaction rating are up, you can attract new customers through your regulars who'll speak only high praises of you.

The cardinal rules to live by

Well, these aren't actually rules. But tried and tested strategies on dealing with customers to make sure that the next time they'll visit will be to buy, not to argue. That the next time that they'll call for a supervisor will be to commend not to downgrade. As an offshore merchant account holder, you should be able to sink these all in.

I. PEOPLE COME BEFORE PAPERWORK. I know, we all have documents to prepare, presentations to draft, proposals to submit, and all other black and white forms to fill up. But the most important thing is your customers. Make them your first priority. Know you'll say that, obviously they have always been your number one on the list. But is this truly what you or your staff practice?. Give it a thought.

II. DON'T RUSH THE CUSTOMER. Talk about being physically present but not actually being there. This happens when you have another million things lined up at the back of your mind. Make it a point to make them feel like they are the customer of the day, that you're just fresh from opening every system. When they feel that you're rushing them, they'll think you don't want them around. Need to tell what happens next after that?

III. BE FRIENDLY BEFORE YOU KNOW WHO IT IS. Admittedly, there is a group of regulars, whom you truly adore in a business sense, who gets in our nerves due to their never-ending arguments regarding the same topic. No matter how hard you serve them the best way you can come up to, they'll still find something to put their finger on. But be careful in getting used to this for you may end up branding your customers ,that you will not end up making false assumptions in treating an incoming customer.

IV. DON'T BE TOO BUSY TO BE NICE. Even if you so many things to do with so little time, this is not an excuse for to be oblivious, to put it mildly, to your customer's inquiries. You basically work to give them a better service, not to keep files. Well, you also have to that, but get someone to that for you.

V. DON'T USE MILITARY LANGUAGE ON CIVILIANS. Use credit card instead of plastic. Visa or Mastercard instead of credit card processor. Talk to them using universal terms. Leave the company jargon between you and your staff.


. Now, this isn't opposing the previous rule, but just saying in another context. Being polite and friendly to your customers means treating them in a professional way. Using thank you and you're welcome is part of being professional. Again, leave this between your staff or close pals.

Learn more about getting your customer satisfaction ratings above the horizons, read the whole article:
Discover Offshore Merchant Account's Six Cardinal Rules of Customer Service

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Escort Service Merchant Account Shoutout: Be (a)ware of Legit Escort Service's Provisions

All businesses have rules to follow, same goes for high risk business such as the escort service business industry. Though controversial, the potential of it, being lucrative cannot in undeniable. That's why more and more low-risk business owners shift to high risk businesses and even more, an escort service business, which wil lead to getting an escort service merchant account.

Hey, they're just being practical, also, the thrill of trying out something new is irresistible.

Previous article dealt with getting a license for your escort business, and one of the steps you need to do is to sign a form saying that you have fully understood the escort service provisions. Strong recommendation is to really take these provisions seriously. Not taking your free-spirited personality away here, just making sure you're still in the loop.

Nature of escort business

As laid out in the article, Plunging into the world of escort service, this endeavor can be safely defined as a any person, who,for a standard fee, commission, profit, reward, payment or other monetary consideration furnishes, offers to provide or recommend escorts,introduce patrons to escorts, or arranges for escorts to accompany patrons to or about social affairs, places of entertainment or amusement, about any place of public resort or within any private quarters. Here are what you need to know:

1. File an application and submit all the necessary paperwork at the city's licensing department

2. A review of the information and documents will take place for a number of days depending on the city or state laws.

3. For every transaction, you, as an escort service merchant, shall provide every patron(customer) a written contract and a receipt of payment.

4. You should be located at the address indicated at the application form.

5. You will be responsible and liable for any unlawful acts of all your employees.

6. You should keep a daily register of all the transactions taking place.

7. Submit any policy changes you want to implement to the city clerk's office.

Read the whole article to take into the heart the whole information: Escort Service Merchant Account Shoutout: Be (a)ware of Legit Escort Service's Provisions

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Flea Markets need a Merchant Account Offshore too

Have you shifted to the flea market because it's getting too stuffy at the mall? If you're making money at the stalls, you may need to have a merchant account offshore.

A recent news has been flooding in the blogosphere shows the businesses that will no longer be accommodated by US processors. If this is the case, then where the flea markets turn to for credit card processing? It is but crucial to know the reasons why flea market owners need a merchant account to begin with and what they are exactly.

Assumptions of beginnings of Outdoor shopping

Well, there are three existing known assumptions of the origins of the flea market. They are just theories, no harm in naming them,right?

1. Paris suburbs theory
First, that flea markets are believed to have originated from the suburbs of Paris during the 17th century, with the word coming from the English translation of Marché aux Puces. Ok, confirms the linguistics.

2. Fleeing to fleaing theory
Second, they say that flea markets actually was a transition from the word flee market. Word of mouth says that it came a group of dealers of second-hand goods who are in the slums and alleys who consistently flee because of demolitions that were done. See the connection? FleE to fleA.

3. New York slang to Dutch translation theory
Third assumption is quite close to home, or at least, the beginning. There's this notion that the term came from New York City's 18th century Fly Market. Incidentally, the Dutch name for the market was vlie, meaning valley but pronounced as "flea."

Merchant Account Offshore Inevitable

As an flea market owner, you have a lot of merchants selling their stuff under your organization. The popular visualization of payments in flea market is the left to right hand cash exchange. But there is an emerging trend in the flea market industry, the non-physical currency form of payment, the credit card payment. This is owing to the fact that even those above those with average income people also flee to flea markets to buy stuff, who, carry credit cards in their wallets. In this case, a merchant account is the next step.

But we're not just talking about a domestic merchant account, a merchant account offshore is the most viable option owing to three major reasons:

  • Some items that are being sold are counterfeit
  • Flea markets have a possibility to dissolved overnight
  • US processors will not be servicing flea markets anymore.
To know more about flea markets, read the whole article :
Why Flea Market Owners Gotta Have a Merchant Account Offshore

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Monday, September 17, 2007

License to Date: Offshore Escort Service Merchant Account's Saving Grace on Avoiding Trouble from the Feds

If you are leaning towards running an escort business service, most people around you would tend to shy away or vigorously persuade you to not venture mainly because of one reason, you'll get in hot water with the police. But you have no need to worry your heart out, just have to do things the right way to not only legalize your business, but also your offshore escort service merchant account.

Have everything officially sealed and signed

It is imperative to know that operating an escort service business is an entirely within the bounds of the law. There are quite a number of escort businesses being maintained by highly-reputable businessmen who lead blameless lives and are active members of the community.

Your ticket to a worry-free operation of your escort business is to get a license from your city clerk office. Submitting all the paperwork will validate the fact that you are a professional business person, and that contrary to popular belief, operating an escort service is not a clandestine business,owing to the fact that your making your business workings a public record.

Leaving a paperwork trail

After hiring the staff and the escorts and before actually going live, make a that trip to the town hall and fall in line to get your license. Just treat the situation as a déjà vu of your driver's license application. Below are the steps to get your license to operate your escort business:

1.Obtain the application form from the city clerk's office.

2.Indicate all the particulars as asked from the application form.

3.Present your birth certificate proving you're 18.

4.Include at least two photographs in 2x2 inches of size.

5.Submit to a fingerprinting procedure.

6.If applicable, surrender any documentation stating any previous denied or suspended applications.

7.Sign a form validating that you have read and understand and will comply the escort services provisions.

8.Pay the required escort service license fee.

9.Comply with the safety regulations set by the city or the state.

Know how getting a business license can help your escort business and escort merchant acount get on the top by reading the whole article: License to Date: Offshore Escort Service Merchant Account's Saving Grace on Avoiding Trouble from the Feds

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Does your Fortune Telling Business Need a Merchant Account?

Don't leave your fortune telling business' success to what your crystal ball says. After doing much ado with ways to secure your profits, an offshore merchant account may be the light at the end of the tunnel.

The “gift”

No need to actually define what a fortune telling is, right? The word speaks for itself. We're not going to discuss if the ability to foresee the future actually exists, or how to determine if a person truly can tell what's going to happen when you turn 30 or something, or the forever debate if it's an art or a science. Safe to say, fortune tellers generally associate their “readings” with divination, a foretelling ritual practiced by pagans done in religious texts.

Know what the future holds for your fortune telling business by reading the whole article: Reasons why an Offshore Merchant Account is Ideal for your Fortune Telling Business

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Mutate and Replicate with an Offshore Merchant Referral Program

If you're an independent sales organizations (ISOs)/agent, an offshore service provider involved with business consulting firms, corporate services companies and legal firms, or a technology company involved with internet service providers, web developers, web Hosting Companies and other web service providers,or a third party processor and aggregator, then you surely want to increase clientèle, right? Then, if this is one of your goals, which I'm dead sure is, then an offshore merchant referral program is ideal move for you.

Distinct features

This type of merchant referral program lets you provide international credit card payment solutions and fraud management services, with a side bonus of earning extra income for your company. This referral program lets you build more contacts and build a positive reputation. Examining the attributes of this referral program will let you know what you need to tell your potential clients.

* Verified by Visa and MasterCard Secure Code Supported

* 3-D Secure™ bank hosting solutions

* VISA and MasterCard Regulations Compliant

* CISP and SDP Compliant

* Experience with Internet Payment Processing

* Offshore environment

* Virtual Corporation (VirtualCorp) Available

* Multi-currency Available

* Release of Funds to Merchant

* 24 x 7 technical support

* Personalized service

* Fast and easy integration

Know what's in store for you as you become a referral agent by reading the whole article:

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Eyeing Europe for an Offshore Merchant Account

Choosing the country where you want to set your offshore merchant account can be at most, tricky and confusing. With a lot of countries lining up at your doorstep, picking the “one” means closely examining their attributes and what they have to offer.

So, let me give you a good headstart on knowing the best possible choice to set up an offshore merchant account. Banks across Europe have the edge in accommodating merchant accounts, especially those who operate high risk businesses. We can categorize adult, travel, online pharmacy, online gambling, telemarketing, multilevel marketing, high volume, escort service, and dating service under the the high risk nature. Why Europe, you may ask. Europe boasts of their flexible terms applied with strict confidentiality yet bounded by law.

Best places in Europe

Now that you have a specific continent in mind, Europe, that is, it is more prudent to select from the countries in this continent to which you will have a fruitful business dealing with. Recommended are Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Sweden, and Cyprus. Tax jurisdictions in these countries range from 10-31%.

Multi-currency capability

Europe banks empowers merchants to settle and transact in multiple currencies which includes US Dollar, British Pound, Euro, Swedish Kroner and Swiss Francs to a direct merchant account. Also, aspiring offshore merchant account holders can have the luxury of using a payer authentication solution for Verified by Visa and MasterCard® SecureCode™ provided by merchant account providers setting up in Europe. You'll be able to enjoy this feature with these benefits:

* protection from fraudulent transactions

* safeguard from unauthorized payments

* offers a chargeback liability shift

Read the whole article for the criteria merchants need to fulfill:

Eyeing Europe for an Offshore Merchant Account

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Monday, September 10, 2007

Why Panama is an Offshore Merchant Account Haven

You need to go the distance for a reliable offshore merchant account. Going the extra mile can't be that faraway though, you have Panama to go to.

When offshore merchant account is the hot topic of the moment, we talk about a merchant account set up outside of US shores. Generally, this type of merchant account caters to high risk businesses such as adult, travel, telemarketing, online pharmacy, high volume, lottery,and multilevel marketing. This businesses are considered a few notches higher in terms of risk and therefore have encountered hard and unfortunately, unsuccessful times in getting merchant accounts in their local banks.

There are many countries that are also friendly and most willing to accommodate offshore merchant accounts, but what makes Panama so special? Here's the reasons why:

* Secrecy and anonymity is protected by the statute

* Zero requirements in revealing beneficial owners

* Zero requirements in filing financial statements

* Zero requirements on holding shareholders' or directors' meetings.

* 100% tax exemption of businesses having merchant accounts in Panama but actual operation on foreign country.

* Merchant-friendly and flexible charging of fees.

* Zero capital requirements

* Registration fees on capital are to a minimal rate.

* Businesses can issue bearer or registered shares.

* All nationalities are eligible to be shareholders, director and officer

But you don't have to go the distance in getting relevant information on offshore merchant accounts set up in Panama, read the whole article for more:

Why Panama is an Offshore Merchant Account Haven

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Thursday, September 6, 2007

Offshore Merchant Account Revelations on Credit Card Terminal Scams

In order to have a smooth processing of your credit card payments for your offshore merchant account, you need a reliable and up-to-date credit card terminal. Now, with all the terminals being introduced almost every month, heck, every week, how would you know what to grab?

How it works

Credit card terminals are commonly seen in restaurant and retail businesses. Terminals appear in three versions; the traditional terminal, wireless credit card terminal, and the virtual terminal. The traditional terminal has a magnetic stripe reader, a keypad to enter prices and other information, and a small display. The displays are usually measured line lines and columns: an 8 x 20 display has 8 lines of text, 20 columns wide.

Wireless credit card terminals have built-in printers that enable you to carry it around. The factors you need to seriously consider are battery life, range, weight, and shock-resistance since it is going to be at arm's length during business hours.

When you talk about virtual terminals, it is a software that handles the credit card transaction, you simply type in the credit card number and the software handles the authorization.

Read for more details:

Online Pharmacy Guidelines that Every Pharmacy Merchant Account Holder Should Know

Opening up an online pharmacy business is considered high risk. Many are called but only a few take the plunge. Operating this business means abiding to a set of guidelines that pharmacy merchant account holders should have knowledge of.

Avoid pulling a Stallone

A lot of people turn to online pharmacies for non-commercial medicines and body supplements. It is important to know the rules in order to avoid any run-ins with the law. Strict guidelines are being imposed so that You don't want your customer to experience a Sylvester-Stallone-arrested-in-Australia kick, right?

Go with the FDA

What you must remember is to, as much as possible, side with the guardian of public health, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Quoting from their mission statement, “The FDA is responsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, medical devices, our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation. The FDA is also responsible for advancing the public health by helping to speed innovations that make medicines and foods more effective, safer, and more affordable; and helping the public get the accurate, science-based information they need to use medicines and foods to improve their health.”

Know their scope and the importation and shipping guidelines by reading the whole article:

Online Pharmacy Guidelines that Every Pharmacy Merchant Account Holder Should Know

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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Get Out of the Dark: Know the Hidden Offshore Merchant Account Fees

When it comes to money matters, follow the golden rule: verify. The same goes with offshore merchant account fees , verify before you say yes and sign your name into any contract given to you.

Knowing if the fees can be really tricky. There are charges that go unnoticed or are deliberately hidden to lure you into a false sense of security. Knowledge of these “kept” fees is an effective way to spare you the shock of a high offshore merchant account monthly statement.

Dare to ask

When you're face to face with your offshore merchant account provider, never be afraid to throw in questions about the charges included in the contract. Don't let the meeting end if you still have bugs circling in your stomach, so to speak. Ask the four W's:

● What are these fees?
● When are they going to be charged?
● Why are they being charged?
● Where are they going to be put?

Asking will never hurt, better to have asked than knowing nothing at all. Check out the whole article for more information:

Get Out of the Dark: Know the Hidden Offshore Merchant Account Fees

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Monday, September 3, 2007

Sources of Migraines of High Risk Businesses

Owners of high risk businesses, such as adult website, online pharmacy, online gambling, travel, telemarketing, dating service, escort service, lottery ticket, and multilevel marketing, have more reasons to endure more hours of pouring over business challenges. Staying positive, they say is what makes a business survive longer. But, I see no reason on why we can't dwell on what we are actually having difficulties with.

Problems are inevitable in a high risk business' setting. You could see below what are the businesses that are considered high risk:

●High volume
●Online Pharmacy
●Online Gambling
●Adult Website
●Dating Service
●Escort Service
●Lottery Ticket
●Multilevel marketing

They are labeled as high risk because of their reputation of having high returns of chargebacks and as fly-by night businesses. The owners encounters dark and difficult times just to get merchant accounts to be able to accept payments that will keep the business blood flowing. In the long run, they either end up with a high risk merchant account or an offshore merchant account.

Read the whole article to be enlightened:

Common Headaches of High Risk Businesses

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